USB battery charging - RT, WT room thermostats

USB battery charging lets you say goodbye to changing batteries. No more wasting valuable time, money and energy looking for the right batteries. With our technology, you also get rid of the worry of a dead battery at the most important moments. Enjoy uninterrupted use of your room thermostat and contribute to reducing environmental impact.
USB battery charging for Seltron room thermostat

Brezžični termostati RT in WT so kot prvi na trgu opremljeni z vgrajeno polnilno LiPo baterijo. Ob prikazu simbola za prazno baterijo na zaslonu, lahko termostat preprosto priključite na napajanje prek USB-C priključka, podobno kot pri polnjenju mobilnih telefonov. S tem se izognete skrbi za zamenjavo baterij ali letno vzdrževanje. Baterija se bo napolnila približno v 10 urah. Polnjenje prek USB-C priključka ni samo enostavno, temveč tudi okolju prijazno in trajnostno, obenem pa vam pomaga zniževati tudi stroške.


Easy time programme management for seltron rt1b and wt1b room thermostats

Instructions for Seltron RT1B / WT1B room thermostat

Watch the Seltron RT1B/WT1B room thermostat instruction video which guides you in detail through the process of connecting your thermostat to your smartphone, upgrading the software, synchronising the time and date, as well as setting heating timer programmes.

Sobni termostat Seltron na steni

New RT and WT room thermostats

RT - We offer digital room thermostats that are mains or battery powered and can be wall-mounted or flush-mounted.
WT - We have mains-powered or battery-powered wireless digital room thermostats that can be easily mounted on the wall or in a flush-mounted dock.

Natančno merjenje sobne temperature s sobnim termostatom Seltron

Exceptional measurement accuracy

Seltron RT and WT room thermostats are the only ones on the market with a built-in algorithm to compensate for self-heating as a result of power and load connection.



Dear customers!

Please be informed that our store Seltron d.o.o. will be closed on the following days 12-13 January 2024 for annual inventory purposes.

Thank you for your understanding.


The Seltron service will be closed from 27 December to 29 December 2023.

Any emergencies or issues that arise during our absence will be dealt with as soon as the service reopens on 3 January 2024.

Thank you for your understanding.